Life Changes and Our Amazing God
If having baby #5 wasn't enough of a change for us, we also decided to make a career change. It's always been our desire for Jeremy to have a job that not only had the potential to bring in more income...
View ArticlePost Baby Meal Plans and Pre Baby Things Accomplished
This is actually my first time to have a post baby meal plan. Crazy, huh? I really can't tell you what I did after babies 1 to 4. My mom always stays with us for a few days so that helps tremendously....
View ArticleSchool in the month of April
April was a great month when it came to family time and homeschool. Since Jeremy was solely doing real estate he was free most every morning and gone sporadically in the afternoons and evenings and...
View ArticleFun in April
I'm working to get all caught up on blogging and photo logging before baby comes. Our family photos and memory logging is stressing me out. We have pictures on like 4 different computers/hard drives, 2...
View ArticleLittle Girl Big Bike
She's almost 20 months and she is sure she can do it all. Scary thing is, she can do way more than I wish she could. She is my constant entertainment. I've never had one so animated and lively. She...
View Article38 weeks
I went for my 38 week check up today. My bottom blood pressure number was up which is a first for me, 129/80. Normally I'm borderline low. Weight is holding steady, but at this point I don't really...
View Article38 Weeks 6 Days
This is my last pregnancy shot with Baby Eva. It was taken the day before she was born.
View ArticleEva - the Lobby baby
First I need to start off with a confession. I was scheduled to be induced Monday morning at 5:30am at 39 weeks and 1 day. My husband, my MW, and I were in agreement that this was a good thing. I had...
View ArticleFirst Outing
Eva got to go on her first outing today. As is the typical routine with our newborns, she is very jaundice. Our pediatrician put in an order her to have her bilirubin levels checked at 3 to 4 days old....
View ArticleEva Meets The Crew - Her First Day
Papa Brushing the girls hair in prep for meeting EvaFirst Meeting of Baby EvaSister LoveThe Snuggley Big SisterZion held her for 2 seconds, handed her back, and said 'she's too heavy' Katie LOVES the...
View ArticleEva's Birthing Spot
The Lobby of the Maternity Only Hospital - just a couple of feet from that door
View ArticleFor The Love of Katie
This 20 month old curly headed red head keeps us in stitches all the time. She's such a joy and so much fun. She's animated and mischievous and too smart for her own good. She's quick to obey (most of...
View ArticleFirst Outing with 5
Mom and I braved Costco for our first outing with all 5. I couldn't help but have them match. It was a rather uneventful trip. Eva nursed the entire time we shopped. I was able to pull one shirt up and...
View Article2 Weeks
,It's been 2 weeks since Eva made her grand entrance. My body is still working hard to recover from that experience. Eva is our second baby to have torticollis. I thought for ure she wouldn't since she...
View ArticleLast of May to First of June
Daddy and Maggie enjoying a break from mulching the back yardKatie snapping beansKatie helping Daddy with breakfast - daddy now cooks breakfast every morning - swoon!Biggest sister loveEmma trying to...
View ArticleStrawberry Picking 2013
This year we were blessed to be able to pick strawberries at a friend's family farm. What a special treat and such a fun time with the oldest 2 and the youngest 1. Eva slept in the car in the shade...
View ArticleEva One Month and a Rambling Mama
Eva turned a month old on the 12th. I'm glad that this first few weeks are behind us. I've had lots of postpartum problems and I'm glad to hopefully be well on the road to recovery. I go back for a...
View ArticleStaycation
It's looking like we won't be going on a vacation this summer. I'm a homebody so that's okay with me but we still wanted to do some extra things as a family. Jeremy took the 4 to buy some fireworks on...
View ArticleFirst Non-Family Party
Our children have never been to a birthday party that wasn't either one of their own, one of their siblings, or a cousin. We've never invited friends to their parties either. It's just our immediate...
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