I feel like it might be time for a rambling post. I've lots of thoughts rumbling around in this crowded mind of mine. Maybe it's the fall air, the gentle breeze, the sigh of relief from the heat, the refreshment that the fall air brings. Maybe it's the clothes on the line, the dishes swirling in the dishwasher, the Word freshly studied, the house newly scrubbed, the baby sleeping at my feet, the crazy two down for naps, the older 2 girls reading, the breeze blowing in the door, the hot coffee by my side, a slow quiet Saturday. I like that to think its more of a clear, less crowded, perspective. A heart turned toward to the Lord God Almighty ready and waiting for Him. A soul on fire to fulfill His mission, and though I will fail, knowing His mercy is great. And His compassion overflowing, reassurance that I can do this, this high calling of motherhood and wifery with Him carrying me. It's a joy and a priviledge and I constantly pray that The Lord in His tender mercy would continue to open my eyes to His way, that my flesh might die to its selfish desires. That this little life of mine might be a sacrifice that is sweet to Him. That my focus would not be on the wasting away things of this world but on eternal matters. That my perspective would be eternal, that I would weigh all things in the light of eternity and stop wasting my time, efforts, and energy on things that matter not. That our family might be one of love and service, ready to cheerfully work for The Lord in any and all ways.
I pray that The Lord might answer some of my pressing matters of my heart, that I might submit to His calling, and reform the areas He reveals;that my heart might be soft and filled with love. I pray that there never be a day that my children, husband, and all others don't see the love of Christ flowing from me.