last pregnancy picture 37 weeks 4 days
So I went back to the couch and got comfortable again only to be disturbed by what sounded like a frog. I sat up to look to out the window and right at that moment the ceiling in the living room above the front door, about 2 feet from me, crashed down to the floor spraying water and sheetrock all over me and the living room. I woke Jeremy up and told him "he was gonna die". So for the rest of night I was awake, terrified of every sound , hearing the wind rip things around and throw them about. Thankfully the rest of the night was uneventful but resulted in absolutely NO sleep.
Monday evening, after an early dinner, I was about to get a nice relaxing bath when it felt like my water broke. Not completely like Zion but enough that I was concerned. Jeremy was gone to the hardware store so I waited for more leaking but nothing. I decided to call my MW and talk things through with her. She said I needed to go in and have it checked out. So once Jeremy got back we left for the hospital. We enjoyed the drive, got Jeremy a coffee, and admired the full moon. No contractions out of the norm, no leaking, no nothing. Feeling like an idiot and wasting everyone's time.
We got to the hospital about 7, got comfy in triage, and hooked up to monitors. I was swabbed for amniotic fluid and then checked for dilation. I was about a 3. So for about an hour we waited in the room for the test results, all the while having mild contractions. The results came back negative so the nurse called my MW and they decided to have me walk the halls for an hour and see if anything changed. So Jeremy and I walked awhile and then hid in one of the waiting rooms for awhile. : ) I just wanted to go home and go to bed. I was extremely tired from not sleeping the night before and felt like this was a total waste of time because the contractions were no different from the frequent bouts of them I had been having at home.
So we go back to the room and she comes back in to check and surprisely I am at 4. Now at this point I'm afraid to go home so I told the nurse we would be happy with having a baby now. : ) She called my MW and they decided to admit me and rather than risk sending me home.
So we get settled in a room around 10 and by 11 my MW was here. She checked me and was about a 4 1/2 to 5 with inconsistent contractions. She broke my water and we waited. I had already decided to get an epidural so we went and got that done. I have a love/hate with epidurals. This one wasn't so great. My left side was completely dead and I hate that feeling but on my right side I could still feel some of the contractions. Jeremy slept on the couch while Mom and I talked and watched TV on and off.
I laughed through the pushing stage which was about 3 contractions long, pushing slowly so my MW could work his big head out with no tearing. She's SO amazing! Love her. So into the world he came with a head full of red hair at 2:59AM. Crazy thick, short cord but at least this time it would reach to my chest. So I held his sticky little body against my bare chest until the cord stopped pulsing.
We snuggled and he nursed for about an hour before they weighed him. I love that they know do their evaluations while they are still naked on your chest. 15 days early 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches long.
Welcome to the craziness, Charlie. We have waited so long for you!!!!