17 weeks down and seems like forever to go. I'm just not a very good pregnant person. I want time to fly by for the pregnancy but I want time to go slow while I enjoy my kiddos. I guess I can't have it both ways.
I've been trying to drink lots of water, taking my prenatals and a Calcuim/Mag/D3/K2 supplement. I've tried to make it a point to get out and walk about 20 minutes a day....meaning I've done it three times in the last month. My weight is between 124 and 126 (I started at 114). I've really been trying to eat really healthy. I use my crockpot several times a week. Love that thing.
My varicose veins in my right leg are awful. Nothing seems to help them except for the compression socks that I finally broke down and bought. I have such a huge pool of blood near my ankle that I really battle with the fear of blood clots in it. The other day, I cut myself shaving (which is so common for me) and instead of it bleeding endlessly like I usually do, it just clotted right at the site. Eck! Freaked me out.
I go back on the 23rd for my 19 week ultrasound. I am super excited to find out if this is a boy or girl. I have no inclination either way. But it seems the more children we have the more nervous I am about the health of the baby at the midway ultrasound. Terrible theology but I keep feeling like it's "our turn" for complications (grant it, we've already had one semi-complicated pregnancy, labor, delivery, and poor newborn health).
My heart still races quite a lot and I've had several spells where I get up from the couch and can't see due to being really light headed and then my limbs so numb and then tingly. My MW said it's related to blood pressure. Several times I've slid down the wall until I can see again and regain my composure. Crazy stuff.
So there. That's about it, I think.